Non-Invasive Measurement of Central Aortic Pressure
Non-invasive pulse wave analysis (PWA) is a technique that transforms the data from peripheral arterial pressure waveforms obtained into an evaluation of central aortic pressures. The Dual Arterial Pressure SphygmoCor XCEL system provides both peripheral and central pressures in the same office-based setting and therefore represents a cost-effective addition to BP management. Elevated pressure predicts CV events, mortality, and organ damage (e.g., LVH, intima-medial thickness and reduced GFR). The risk of adverse outcomes with elevated central pressure is higher that brachial pressure in multiple studies and uniformly at least as high as brachial pressure in others. Furthermore, central systolic pressure is independently predictive of CV events and therefore provides additional risk information. Threshold values have been defined that can be used to guide management decisions with the objective of lowering elevated central systolic pressures to reduce the risk of CV events.
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