Central Blood Pressure is the best predictor of cardiovascular risk!

Cardiologist Dr. Hunter Champion uses SphygmoCor® XCEL to target medications and optimize hypertension care


Advanced Health and Data
Metrics for Wearables and
Connected Fitness.


Advanced Health and Data Metrics for Wearables and Connected Fitness.

What's new in Central Blood Pressure?
The only cure for dementia is prevention.

SphygmoCor® by the numbers

All “Top 20 Hospitals” use SphygmoCor® technology to measure central blood pressure (cBP)

4,000+ studies using the SphygmoCor® technology have been published in peer-reviewed clinical publications.

8 out of Top 10 Pharma companies have used SphygmoCor® technology in their clinical trials

Over 11,000 patients have been tested with SphygmoCor® technology in pharmaceutical trials